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A project to improve the Fever experience by adding a new feature.

How many times did you find yourself with some free time and you wanted to do any activity but you didn’t know very well which plans your city offers, so you start searching on Google. Possibly, you end up giving up and making the same plan as the previous weekend. Fever is a mobile app and website platform for booking and purchasing tickets for events and experiences, which tries to solve this problem.

The brief conveys the need for the company to include a new feature that allows them to improve the user’s experience and thus enhance their overall assessment and increase their market share.

My role?: UX (user research, concept) / UI Designer

The team?: Team of 3, consisting of UX/UI Designers.

How long?: 4 days (November 2021)

UX Tools: surveys, interviews, lean UX, empathy map, user persona, user journey, user scenario, user flow, low-fi & mid-fi prototype, concept testing.

UI Tools: moodboard, desirability testing, stile tile, style guide, high-fi prototype.

This was a very interesting challenge because we did not start from a relatively obvious need, but we had to work with a product that, a priori, most users were already satisfied with. Therefore, our first two objectives were clear:

  1. To identify unmet needs of Fever users.
  2. To reach the potential Fever user and find out why they don’t use the app yet.

We followed the Design Thinking methodology to develop this project.

Interesting, huh? You can read the whole case study, and know how we get to the solution, over here: yes, Carlos, I want to read it!
